
Every compulsive habit and most abuse is shame based. Craig tells you in this series what shame is, how it operates, and how to get rid of it.
Total Time: 2 Hours 35 minutes

Living Free of Anger & Frustration (Digital Download)
"Living Free of Anger & Frustration" which will help anyone struggling with emotions of anger or frustration. Most people talk about “anger management,” but in this series you will learn that anger is a symptom of something much deeper...

Blood Covenant 1 (Digital Download)
A stranger to the "covenants of promise" is one who is party to a covenant, but doesn't know the nature, provisions or promises of that covenant. Craig explains in this series, what a blood covenant is and how you can experience in your life the power...

Secrets of the Blood Covenant (Digital Download)
This condensed teaching from Blood Covenant I and Blood Covenant II provides an overview, which will open your eyes and heart to the importance of the covenant God has made with us, and the power released through it. Craig reveals covenants...

Forgiveness From The Heart (Digital Download)
Formerly Titled -Softening the Hardened Heart.
Nothing from the outside can harm you. What is is in your heart can defile you. Learn how to let God remove a heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. Craig Hill reveals the symptoms of a...

God's Power to Get Wealth (Digital Download)
Formerly named "God's Principles of Finance"
What is " Sparrow Faith ?" Is " Mammon " a spirit, or just another word for money? What is the difference between " wealth " and " riches " and should a Christian possess either one? In this dynamic series,...

The Power of a Parent's Blessing Audio Book (Digital Download)
You were created to be God’s agent of blessing to your children.
Blessing is a custom established by God and is meant to function in every family. In fact, there are seven critical times in each of our lives when God wants to give us a powerful...

Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know Audio Book (Digital Download)
If we gave 100 people $10,000 today, what results would we see one year from now? We would probably see that 80% would have $0 left, 16% would have $10,500 and 4% would have between $20,000 and $1,000,000. Why? Because 96% of us have never been taught to...

If God Is In Control Then Why...? Audio Book (Digital Download)
IF GOD IS IN CONTROL THEN WHY...? deals with that difficult question about the nature of God that plagues the minds of most people. Whether you are a lifetime believer in Christ or you have just begun looking for answers, the question, "If God is in...

Two Fleas & No Dog Audio Book (Digital Download)
Two Fleas and No Dog is a practical book in which Craig Hill presents 3 key elements that will reignite in your marriage the fulfillment, security, and stress-free environment you had always hoped for: Covenant, Communication, and Conflict Resolution. In...

The Ancient Paths Audio Book (Digital Download)
No matter our age, God intended for us to feel loved and have a deep inner knowledge of who we are and where we are headed in life. Many of us will never truly fulfill our God-given identity and destiny until we rediscover.... The Ancient Paths. read by...

Por Que mi Marido me Recuerda a mi Padre? - CD
Por Que mi Marido me Recuerda a mi Padre? En esta enseñanza, Craig muestra como la forma en la que conducíamos en nuestras relaciones adultas, muchas veces refleja nuestras relaciones de la niñez. El entendimiento de como funciona...

El Poder de la Bendicion - CD
Todos los dias respondemos a las preguntas de identidad y destino en nuestras vidas: Quien soy yo? Cual es my proposito? Hay solo dos fuentes para recibir respuestas a estas preguntas: Dios y el diablo; y sus respuestas son contrarias la una de la otra...

El Plan de Dios para el Matrimonio - CD
En esta enseñanza, Craig Hill enseña principios prácticos de como relacionarnos.Hay dos instituciones que reflejan la imagen de Dios que son la iglesia y el matrimonio. El diablo quiere dividir y destruir la imagen de Dios. Cuando el...

Why Pray? - CD
What! God needs me to pray! But if God is in control, why should I pray? In this teaching you will learn one key thing that God lacks that you have. When we combine that which God has given to us with that which God already has, miracles are released...

Understanding the Will of God - CD
Was it God’s will for Judas to betray Jesus? Most people can’t answer that question because they don’t understand two critical aspects of the will of God revealed in the Bible. In this teaching, you will learn how to understand the will...

Sparrow Faith - CD
Jesus said, "Consider the birds of the field." Craig teaches how our trust in God's provision can give us peace like a sparrow. This is the first and most important aspect of getting our finances lined up with the Word of God...fully trusting God for our...

Roots of Teenage Rebellion - CD
How to relate to teenagers, establish discipline and communication. In this teaching Craig reveals the real root to teenage rebellion and how to heal the past wounds that cause it.
1 CD Total time 67 Minutes