Deceived Who Me?
Since most Christians intend to live life in the Spirit, when we walk in the flesh, it is usually by deception. Deception, by its very nature, is hidden to the person in whom it is working. Many times God's intentions for our lives are thwarted by the serpet in our own flesh raising up to deceive our mind, compelling us to walk in its ways and fulfill its plans.
This book is designed to expose the hidden ways of your flesh and to set you on a course of freedom to walk in the Spirit and experience God's ways and plans for your life. Discover your true identity in Christ.
“This is an excellent book to set you free. I highly recommend it to every Christian and especially to Christian leaders. I think as leaders we are the most deceived of all by our flesh. Certainly we want our ministry to edify, and when we are free then we know how to set others free. This is a wonderful book. I recommend it highly.” Marilyn Hickey, International Bible Teacher.
249 pages