Where Have All the Leaders Gone? - DVDs

( 1 Review )

What is your mindset? In what category do you fall as a leader? Craig uses Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrants (ESBI) to explain why so many of us fall short of our expectations and desires in business or ministry. If you have ever said, “I just can’t find any leaders to whom I can give responsibility in business, church or ministry, this teaching is for you! You will learn a whole new paradigm of leadership development.

1 DVD 51 minutes

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1 Review

Bill Nov 16th 2019

Business owners

I showed this dvd a number of years ago at our adult Sunday School class. There was significant enthusiasm in the discussion that followed. What Craig shared from his own experience regarding ministry leaders very much resonated with all the men who had their own business and had employees themselves. They all purchased their own copy because to them it was such a practical and valuable teaching that they wanted to share with others.

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