Flip book: New Creation & Don't have to be Wrong to Repent
I'm a New Creation? - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away: behold, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17 NKJV). For most of us, many of these "old things,” the sinful attitudes and behaviors that dominate certain areas of our life have not "passed away.” Why not? In this book, you’ll discover how to truly walk in this New Creation in a practical way. The second book is You Don't Have to Be Wrong to Repent - While attempting to discipline his child in the middle of a public restaurant, Craig felt that helpless feeling that many parents experience, one of "losing the battle." When he finally decided to pray about the situation, he was both surprised and frustrated by what He heard the Lord say. God told Craig, "You need to repent and ask your son’s forgiveness!” "But, Lord," Craig replied, "I can't repent...I'm not wrong!" He then heard what proved to be the most shocking, and yet life-changing revelation about relationships he had ever heard. The Lord told him, "You don't have to be wrong...to repent.” This statement is the key to instantly resolve conflict in marriage, family or any relationship.
35 pages