Craig Hill

Marriage is one of the only pictures left on earth which depicts God's covenant with His people. The same type of covenant that gives us peace on earth as we walk with God provides peace in a...

Preparing for the Harvest - CD
Anticipating the 4th great wave of the moving of the Holy Spirit. Are you ready?
1 CD Total time 44 Minutes

Pursuing God with Intensity - CD
We all experience hindrances that keep us from accomplishing those things that God intended for us to accomplish. Craig Hill describes the importance of pursuing God with intensity to fulfill the...

Raising Godly Children - CDs
Society today is sending a message to parents and children that is in opposition to God's Word. This series addresses difficult parenting problems facing parents of small children through teens and...

Roots of Teenage Rebellion - CD
How to relate to teenagers, establish discipline and communication. In this teaching Craig reveals the real root to teenage rebellion and how to heal the past wounds that cause it.
1 CD Total time...

Soulical Adultery - CDs
Soulical adultery is always preceded by emotional adultery. Craig calls this “soulical adultery” as it is neither spiritual nor physical, but rather is an emotional connection...

Sparrow Faith - CD
Jesus said, "Consider the birds of the field." Craig teaches how our trust in God's provision can give us peace like a sparrow. This is the first and most important aspect of getting our finances...

Supernatural Relationships - CDs
Supernatural Relationships is a dynamic series wherein Craig describes the difference between "topical" and "relational" communication. The teaching is punctuated by personal stories which...

The Secret of Job's Patience - CDs
Suffering happens to all Christians, but, when our 'trials" seem unjust or unfair, we're reminded to the patience of Job. "God may be teaching you something," we're told, and so we submit to the...

The Truth About Deception Pt 1: True vs The Truth - CDs
The Truth About Deception is a three-part teaching by Craig Hill, based on his first book, Deceived, Who Me?. Part 1,True vs. the Truth focuses on our three-part being (spirit, soul and body) and the...

The Truth About Deception Pt 2: The Plumbline - CDs
The Truth About Deception is a three-part teaching by Craig Hill, based on his first book, Deceived, Who Me?. Part 2, The Plumbline goes deeper into our battle between the life-pulling opposites of...

The Truth About Deception Pt 3: Dynamics of Deception - CDs
Since most Christians intend to live in the Spirit, when we walk in the flesh, it is usually by deception. Craig's teaching is designed to expose the hidden ways of our flesh and to set us on a...

Understanding the Will of God - CD
Was it God’s will for Judas to betray Jesus? Most people can’t answer that question because they don’t understand two critical aspects of the will of God revealed in the Bible. In...

Where Have All the Leaders Gone? - DVDs
What is your mindset? In what category do you fall as a leader? Craig uses Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrants (ESBI) to explain why so many of us fall short of our expectations and desires...

Why Does My Husband Remind Me of My Dad? - CDs
In this teaching Craig Shows how the way we react in our adult relationships often reflects our childhood relationships. Realization of how this works has helped many to identify those root feelings...

Why Pray? - CD
What! God needs me to pray! But if God is in control, why should I pray? In this teaching you will learn one key thing that God lacks that you have. When we combine that which God has given to us...

Two Fleas & No Dog
Two Fleas and No Dog is a practical book in which Craig Hill presents three key elements that will reignite in your marriage the fulfillment, security, and the stress-free environment you had always...

Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know
If we gave 100 people $10,000 today, what results would we see one year from now? We would probably see that 80% would have $0 left, 16% would have $10,500 and 4% would have between $20,000 and...