Help! My Spouse Wants Out
Have you empowered the weakness and sin of your spouse to control your life and emotional well-being?
Have you realized that how you respond to the people and circumstances of your life today either qualifies or disqualifies you for the future God had in mind for you tomorrow?
Although "Help! My Spouse Wants Out" provides immediate help and answers for those with serious marital difficulties, this book will greatly benefit anyone in search of solid, no-nonsense principles and values upon which a lasting marriage can be built. Whether you are single, married, separated, or divorced, this book is for you.
- For the Single person who wants to be married and needs direction
- For the married couple who have never clearly thought through the values and foundations upon which their marriage is or should be based
- For the separated person who needs answers and help immediately
- For the divorced person who needs healing and strategy for the future
- For anyone who knows of others who need help in their marriage (and who doesn't?)
131 pages
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